Saturday, January 4, 2014


My New Year's Resolution

I did it.  You can make fun, but I have made a 2014 New Year's resolution.
It's not to look like this dude (looks kinda tough.).

Or wake up earlier.

OK--- I lied, I want to do that too.

My BIG 2014 resolution, is to blog again!  Not just any blog, but a TV REPORTER focused blog.

I kinda of used to do that.  I once wrote a blog, for my friends and family.
I told them about important things that reporters run into, like these CRAZY new cars I found!

Or the time I broke a REALLY EXPENSIVE camera!

What will this blog be?  Well probably more of the same.  Except this time, I know a few more people doing this crazy job. I'm hoping it will be more of a conversation for anyone who does this for a living, or is interested in what happens BEHIND THE A BLOCK.

My TV blog will not be THIS.

But Maybe I can explain what happens if something like this happens.

How often will I do this?  Who knows. Maybe once a week, or once a month.  Maybe it will go as most resolutions do.

But what the heck.  HERE WE GO!

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